Sequestered copper algicides using ionic polymeric stabilizing a
Slow-dissolving multi-functional sanitizer and clarifier
Solid algicide, preparation and usage in recirculating water
Stabilized microbicide formulation
Stabilized solutions of bromonitromethane and their use as bioci
Supported fluridone compositions and methods
Suspension fomulations of 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide
Synergistic antialgal compositions comprising diphenylethers and
Synergistic antimicrobial compositions containing an ionene poly
Synergistic antimicrobial compositions containing an ionene poly
Synergistic antimicrobial compositions containing poly (hexameth
Synergistic antimicrobial compositions containing poly(hexamethy
Synergistic composition of biocides
Synergistic microbicidal combinations containing 3-isothiazolin
Synergistic microbicidal combinations containing 4-isothiazolin