Reinforced ribbed tubular structure and method of making same
Reinforced roll-back tube for use with endoscopes and the like
Reinforced rubber hose
Reinforced smooth flow pipe
Reinforced strip and flexible hoses produced therewith
Reinforced strip and flexible hoses produced therewith
Reinforced strip and flexible hoses produced therewith
Reinforced tube of plastic and a method of manufacturing the sam
Reinforced tubular structure
Reinforced underground pipe
Reinforced, electrically insulating hose
Reinforced, flexible hose with built-in handle
Reinforcement structure for pipe
Reinforcing rubber hose
Reinforcing structure for conduit; and method
Reinforcing support for plastic pipe
Reinforcing system for concrete pipe
Reinforcing wrap for plastic pipe
Reinforcing wrap for plastic pipe
Reinforcing-thread-buried resin pipe