Dual-band oscillator
Dual-band oscillator
Dual-band oscillator for preventing reduction in oscillation...
Dual-band voltage controlled oscillator utilizing switched...
Dual-band voltage-controlled oscillator using bias switching...
External oscillator resistor detection circuit
Fast VCO band selection by frequency to voltage converter
Frequency shift keyed toned generator
Frequency-switching oscillator and electronic device using...
Frequency-switching oscillator and electronic device using...
Horizontal oscillator with gradual frequency switching circuit
Integrated circuit implementation of a frequency shift keying os
Integrated clock generator and timing/frequency reference
Integrated clock generator and timing/frequency reference
Integrated clock generator and timing/frequency reference
Integrated tunable inductance network and method
Linear voltage controlled oscillator transconductor with...
Local oscillator for multi-band wireless communication
Method and apparatus for providing analog and digitally controll
Method and apparatus for reducing jitter and improving testabili