Transistor oscillator utilizing clapp circuit configuration for
Transistor oscillator with compensating circuit for variable col
Transistor resonant circuit power oscillators
Transistorized microwave oscillator of oscillation frequency mul
Transmission gate relaxation oscillator having comparator
Triangular wave generating circuit, and charging and...
Trimmable multi-terminal capacitor for a voltage controlled osci
Tunable astable multivibrator with buffer transistors
Tunable low noise oscillator using delay lines and ring mode tra
Tunable microwave oscillator
Tunable negative resistance device
Tunable resonant circuit and voltage controlled oscillator...
Tunable UHF oscillator with harmonic limitation
Tunable voltage controlled oscillator
TV Tuner oscillator with feedback for more low frequency power
UHF crystal oscillator
Ultra-fast MOS device circuits
Ultrasonic oscillator
Ultrasonic transducer driving circuit and ultrasonic...
Ultrasonic wave nebulizer driving circuit