Remote control robot vehicle
Remote control system
Retrofit extended vision module for weapon system optical sight
Rifle stabilization system for erratic hand and mobile platform
Rotatable and retractable rear gun sight
Seating system for a weapon operator of a military vehicle
Sight system for a stabilized gun
Sighting device for firearm with correction of target lateral mo
Simplified remote sighting of artillery gun
Site head with integrated laser designator for use in...
Spatially modulated, laser aimed sighting system for a ballistic
Sponson tow plate-mounted helicopter armament apparatus and...
Sponson tow plate-mounted helicopter armament apparatus and...
Stabilized line-of-sight aiming system for use with fire control
Stabilizing device for a small fire arm
Surveillance and weapon system
Surveillance and weapon system
Suspension device for connecting an item of on-board...
System and method for improved weapons systems using a Kalman fi
System for aiming projectiles at close range