Bolt action rifle
Bolt actuating mechanism useable with floating firing pin
Bolt assembly with a rotating locking bolt head and a floating b
Bolt mechanism for fire arm
Bolt operating and locking mechanism for closed breech rocket gu
Bolt operation facility for autoloading firearm
Breech block control for firearm for projectiles
Breech bolt assembly for a firearm
Breech device for bolt action firearms
Breech lock mechanism for automatic firearms
Breech mechanism for a firearm, especially a repeater weapon
Breech mechanism with non-rotating breechblock
Breech-closing mechanism for automatic rifle
Breechblock for an automatic firing weapon
Breechblock for an automatic firing weapon
Breechblock for an automatic firing weapon
Breechblock for automatic firing weapon
Breechblock for automatic or semi-automatic weapons
Breechblock for barrel weapons
Breechblock system for a gun