Radial gradient contact lenses
Radiation protection filter
Radically shaped lenses and goggle assembies and glasses...
Radically shaped lenses and goggle assemblies and glasses...
Radically shaped lenses and goggle assemblies and glasses...
Random pattern tracking acceleration tolerance tester
Randomly pixellated optical component, its fabrication...
Range detector for eye instrument having interrogating beam
Range-extending system and spatial filter for enhancing...
Rapid eye movement sleep state detector
Rapid switching slit scan image capture system
Rapid switching slit scan image capture system
Rapid, automatic measurement of the eye's wave aberration
Rapid, automatic measurement of the eye's wave aberration
Rapid, automatic measurement of the eye's wave aberration
Ray screening visor for spectacle lenses
Readily sized eyewear name constracted from standard-sized parts
Reading assistance device and method
Reading glasses
Reading spectacles