Rubbing apparatus with an even number of rubbing rollers with pi
Rubbing apparatus, apparatus for producing liquid crystal device
Rubbing-free (chiral) nematic liquid crystal display
Safety application of holographic material
Sandwich holographic disk construction with thin molded...
Sandwich reflection hologram
Scan lens and an optical scanner system incorporating two deflec
Scanning fiber optic holographic exposure and feedback system
Scatter noise reduction in holographic storage systems by signal
Scatter noise reduction in holographic storage systems by speckl
Scatter noise reduction in holographic storage systems by two-st
Scheme capable of providing gain and thresholding to the...
Screen for front laser projection
Screen for laser rear projection
Screens to be used with a system for the magnification and...
Sculptured light diffuser for enhancing brightness and uniformit
Sealing structure of liquid crystal injection holes in liquid cr
Secure holographic images on paper
Secure optical identification means and method with enhanced var
Secure optical identification method and means