Secure optical layer multicasting to effect survivability
Selecting optical waves
Selective distribution messaging scheme for an optical network
Selective frequency switching system and a reconfigurable...
Selective frequency switching system and a reconfigurable...
Signal demultiplexing device and signal routing device in...
Switch for an optical transmission network using wavelength...
Switching control device for wavelength-division...
Switching network
Synchronous digital communications system
System and method for implementing dynamic scheduling of...
System and method for improving the efficiency of routers on...
System and method for increasing bandwidth efficiency and...
System and method for increasing channel capacity of...
System and method for optical light path discovery
System and method for optically labeled packet transmission
System and method for providing simulated...
System and method for re-using wavelengths in an optical...
System and method for transporting data
System and method of all optical label swapping using...