Input apparatus of electronic system for extracting pitch data f
Input apparatus of electronic system for extracting pitch data f
Input device for an electronic musical instrument
Input device, game machine, simulated percussion instrument,...
Input device, game machine, simulated percussion instrument,...
Insert for cajon drum
Insertable musical keyboard device with moving inserts to...
Insertable piano/keyboard strip for sensing key movement
Installation for performing all affine transformations for music
Installation structure of a connecting belt for a drum pedal
Installation structure of high hat cymbal
Instant guitar tuning by ear
Instant musician, recording artist and composer
Instantaneous rotation device
Instantly playable stringed instrument and method of use...
Instantly retunable tone generator for an electronic musical ins
Instruction input device for electronic musical instrument
Instructional apparatus for stringed instrument
Instructional device and method for guitar or other stringed...
Instructional device and method for piano or other musical...