Delayed vibrato arrangement for an electronic musical instrument
Demultiplexing audio waveshape generator
Derivation of control signals from real-time overtone...
Detachable electric guitar pick-up system
Detachable fluidtight assembly system for two interengaging elem
Detachable locking system for the fallboard of a keyboard musica
Detachable mouthpipe assembly
Detachable neck for a guitar
Detachable string bender
Detachable stringed musical instrument pick
Detachable top pickup for musical stringed instruments
Detachable tremolo arm and kit therefor, and methods of construc
Determining similarity between artists and works of artists
Detonator with cushioned mallet
Device and method for analyzing an audio datum
Device and method for characterizing a tone signal
Device and method for controlling playback devices for...
Device and method for creating and reproducing...
Device and method for executing control to shift tone-generation
Device and method for forming waveform based on a...