Self playing piano and an apparatus for automatic playing of a p
Separate automatic player driving keys and pedals of...
Separate automatic player driving keys and pedals of...
Slide rule for music
Solenoid actuator for use in automatic performance piano
Solenoid dashpot pedal actuator assemblies
Solenoid drive system for an automatic performing apparatus
Solenoid driving apparatus for actuating key of player piano
Solenoid mounting assembly for musical keyboard
Solenoid mounting plate for musical keyboard
Solenoid mounting systems for player and reproducing pianos
Solenoid-hammer control system for the re-creation of expression
Speed governor for music box
Speed governor for music box
Speed governor for music box or the like
Spring operated record player organ
Striker solenoid assembly for player and reproducing pianos
String-striking device for piano
String-striking device of piano
Stringed instrument wireless communication device and method...