Scalable configurable network of sparsely interconnected...
SDH ring high order path management
Self-healing coupler for a serial raid device
Self-healing ring network and a method for fault detection...
Shared mesh signaling method and apparatus
Signal loopback device
Signal protection system for bi-direction ring network
Signal switching method
Signaling protocol for p-cycle restoration
SONET ring map generation method and system
Supporting SDH/SONET APS bridge selector functionality for...
Switching method for bidirectional line switched ring and...
Synchronous clock supply system and synchronous clock supply...
Synchronous ring network system
System and method for a ring network with virtual path...
System and method for calculating protection routes in a...
System and method for detecting and isolating a remote loop
System and method for embedding a sub-channel in a block...
System and method for embedding a sub-channel in a block...
System and method for network recovery from multiple link...