Algorithm for time based queuing in network traffic engineering
Allocated and dynamic switch flow control
Allocating access across shared communication medium to user...
Allocating access across shared communications medium to...
Allocating communication traffic
Allocating data transmission resources in packet-switched...
Allocating network bandwidth
Allocating network resources
Allocation of bandwidth in a packet switched network among...
Allowed cell rate reciprocal approximation in rate-based availab
Altering operation of a network interface controller based...
Altering switch behavior based on statistical data
Alternate routing of media connections within a single...
Analyzing and generating network traffic using an improved...
Ant-based method for discovering a network path that...
Anti-flooding flow-control methods and apparatus
Apparatus and a method for transferring a packet flow in a...
Apparatus and associated methodology of processing a network...
Apparatus and method for a generalized leaky bucket
Apparatus and method for absorbing an arrival time delay fluctua