Scheduling method and system for communication systems that...
Scheduling of variable sized packet data under transfer rate...
Scheduling system and scheduling method for the same
Scheme for managing overlapping wireless computer networks
Secure one-way data transfer using communication interface...
Segmented IP backbone network access
Selection of data for network transmission
Selective backpressure control for multistage switches
Self managing directory service for voice over IP networks
Self-tuning link aggregation system
Server-based network performance metrics generation system...
Service admission control for HSUPA on E-DCH or DCH
Service curve mapping
Service interface for QoS-driven HPNA networks
Service interface for QoS-driven HPNA networks
Service interface for QoS-driven HPNA networks
Service multiplexer
Service parameter interworking method
Service tariffing based on usage indicators in a radio based...
Session border control using multiple processors