System, method, and computer program product for...
System, method, and device using a singly encapsulated...
Systems and method for delivering reliable datagram service...
Systems and method for delivering reliable datagram service...
Systems and methods for adjusting the maximum transmission...
Systems and methods for capturing communication signals...
Systems and methods for combined protocol processing protocols
Systems and methods for communicating messages among...
Systems and methods for communicating messages among...
Systems and methods for compressing packet headers
Systems and methods for controlling audible speech...
Systems and methods for controlling the voltage of signals...
Systems and methods for distribution of wireless network access
Systems and methods for enabling clock signal synchronization
Systems and methods for frame synchronization
Systems and methods for generating an output oscillation...
Systems and methods for handling packet fragmentation
Systems and methods for high-throughput wideband wireless...
Systems and methods for high-throughput wideband wireless...
Systems and methods for interference mitigation among...