Bi-level framing structure for improved efficiency DSL over...
Bilevel node identifiers in control area network (CAN) protocol
Bit and power allocation scheme for full-duplex transmission...
Bit assignment in a communication system and communication...
Bit rearranging unit for network data, method for...
Block forming method and apparatus of digital bit steam
Block forming method and apparatus of digital bit stream
Bonding multiple G.shdsl links
Brandwidth optimization of video program bearing transport...
Bridging device for mapping/demapping ethernet packet data...
Broadband telecommunications system
Broadband telecommunications system
Broadband telecommunications system interface
Broadband telecommunications system interface
Broadband telecommunications system interface
Broadband telecommunications system interface
Broadband wireless communication system
Buffer controller incorporated in asynchronous transfer mode...
Buffering in streaming delivery
Bundling ATM and POS data in a single optical channel