Storage device and method of controlling access
System and method for assigning time slots in communication...
System and method for communicating data in a cable network
System and method for controlling access to a shared channel for
System and method for determining message transmission time...
System and method for efficiently generating packets on a...
System and method for forming circuit connections within a telec
System and method for the reuse of S-CDMA parameters to...
System and method of operation for managing data...
System and method of operation for managing data...
System for communicating between a group of apparatuses
System, device, and method for initial ranging in a...
System, device, and method for initial ranging in a...
Systems and methods for combining time division multiplexed...
Systems and methods for multiple mode voice and data...
Systems and methods for multiple mode voice and data...
Systems and methods for optimizing communications in an...
Systems, methods and apparatus for detecting time slot...
TDMA radio communication system
Technique for using address filter parameters to facilitate...