Inbred tomato line 1T247
Inbred tomato line 294
Inbred tomato line FDR 16-2045
Inbred tomato line FDR 26-682
Inbred variety PH238
Increased wax production in plants
Increasing salt tolerance in plants by overexpression of a...
Increasing salt tolerance in plants by overexpression of...
Increasing salt tolerance in plants by overexpression of...
Inducible herbicide resistance
Inducible promoters
Induction of male sterility in plants by expression of high leve
Inhibitors of apoptosis proteins in plants
Inositol polyphosphate kinase genes and uses thereof
Insect inhibitory Bacillus thuringiensis proteins,...
Insect resistant cotton plants
Insect resistant fertile transgenic corn plants
Insect resistant plants
Insect viruses and their uses in protecting plants
Insect-resistant plants comprising a Bacillus thuringiensis...