Detachable cycle utility carriage
Detachable electric drive unit for collapsible wheelchair
Detachable electric drive unit for wheelchair
Detachable power unit for a golf bag cart
Detachable steerable power unit for occupant-propelled wheelchai
Detachable transmission mechanism for a wheel chair
Detachable transmission mechanism for a wheel chair and...
Device for maneuvering of trailers
Device for transporting a stroller
Disassemblable sulky for attachment to a steerable front wheel a
Disassemblable vehicle for attachment to a powered, steerable fr
Dismantlable and collapsible utility cart
Draft attachment for wheeled implements
Drive mechanism for trailer
Drive unit suitable for coupling to a wheeled body, and resultin
Driving assembly for attachment to a trailer
Electric control for wheelchair drive unit
Electric drive attachment for a wheelchair
Electric drive unit mounted to a vehicle
Electric starter drive for motor engaging vehicle drive wheel