Device for continuous phase modulation by frequency synthesizer
Device for evolutive illumination of an object
Device for generating a frequency modulated signal
Device for modulating a beam of radiation
Device for modulating intensity of light rays generated from gas
Device for the automatic linearization of the control signal-fre
Device incorporating a tunable thin film bulk acoustic resonator
Digital adjustable phase modulator and method
Digital amplifier
Digital amplitude modulation apparatus
Digital amplitude modulator - transmitter
Digital amplitude modulator and method of signal combining
Digital amplitude modulators involving (1) modification of ampli
Digital and analog modulator in a simplified circuit structure
Digital baseband modulator adaptable to different modulation typ
Digital circuit for the extraction of the phase and envelope sig
Digital communications modulator having a modulation...
Digital communications modulator having an interpolator...
Digital compensation for wideband modulation of a phase locked l
Digital continuous phase modulation for a DDS-driven phase locke