Power switch driver circuit having cross-coupled buffer...
Power transistor driver stage with optimally reduced turn-off de
Power transistor driving circuit
Power-diode driver having expansible isolated sub-drivers...
Power-on solution to avoid crowbar current for multiple...
Power-transistor driving circuit for a single power source
Power-transistor slew-rate controller employing only a single ca
Pre-driver circuit
Pre-driver circuit using transistors of a single channel type
Pre-driver for bridge circuit
Precharge and discharge of I/O output driver
Precision and fast recovery buffer
Precision low-noise current mode biasing scheme for BJT with...
Predriver and output driver circuit using the same
Predriver circuit for controlling a power drive circuit
Predriver for fast current switching through a two-terminal indu
Predriver for high frequency data transceiver
Preemphasis driver with replica bias
Preset circuit of audio power amplifier
Process compensated integrated circuit output driver