Water spray assembly
Water spray assembly
Water spray nozzle for use with a mineral pick box
Water spray unit for mining
Water spray ventilator system for continuous mining machines
Water supply system for a mining machine
Water treatment and heating in spent shale oil retort
Water-driven air pumping and dust-suppressing apparatus
Water-jet assisted drum-type mining system
Wear collar device for rotatable cutter bit
Wear or thrust plates for hydraulic rock splitting apparatus
Wear or thrust plates for hydraulic rock splitting apparatus
Wear protector for tooth brackets on roadway surface cutting mac
Wear protector for tooth brackets on roadway surface cutting mac
Wear resistant tool
Wear ring for a rotatable tool
Wedge arrangement for removably affixing a work tool or work too
Wedge arrangements and related means for mounting means, base me
Wedging arrangement for attaching a bit holder to the base membe
Wedgingly mounted tool holder or adapter for a cutting head