Apparatus and process for prewashing a hydrocarbon stream...
Apparatus and process for reducing coking of heat exchange surfa
Apparatus and process for reducing particulates in a vaporous st
Apparatus and process for stabilizing liquid hydrocarbon condens
Apparatus and process for the catalytic conversion of a liquid,
Apparatus and process for treatment of waste oils
Apparatus and process for withdrawing stripper gas from an FCC r
Apparatus for measuring flash point of petroleum intermediate fr
Apparatus for the catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons
Apparatus, system, and method for separating bitumen from...
Application of sulfosuccinic ester anti-fouling agents
Application of visbreaker analysis tools to optimize...
Aqueous alkali depolymerization of coal with a quinone
Aromatic extraction process having improved water stripper
Aromatic extraction process using mixed polyalkylene glycol/glyc
Aromatic extraction process using mixed polyalkylene glycol/glyc
Aromatic extraction process using mixed polyalkylene glycols/gly
Aromatic extraction with solvent recovery and regeneration
Aromatic hydrocarbon separation process
Aromatic hydrocarbon separation via solvent extraction