Platinum-, rhenium-, indium-containing catalysts for conversion
Platinum-barium-type L zeolite
Plug flow vented riser
Plural stage reforming with catalysts having a skewed distributi
Pneumatic particulate transport with gravity assisted flow
Polar solvent extraction and dedusting process
Polarity gradient extraction method
Polycondensates of sulfonated coal tar fractions
Polycyclic aromatic ring cleavage (PARC) process
Polyisobutene substituted succinimides
Polymerization catalyst and deodorizing agent
Polymerization inhibitor for styrene dehydrogenation units
Polymetallic reforming catalysts, their preparation and use in r
Polyvinylpyrrolidone dewaxing aid for bright stocks
Positive evacuation of FCCU reactor dilute phase volume
Post-treatment of spinnable precursors from petroleum pitch
Pour point depressant for shale oil
Pour point depressant made from the asphaltene component of ther
Pour point depression unit using mild thermal cracker
Pour point depression unit using mild thermal cracker