Shale retorting with supplemental combustion fuel
Shale-oil recovery process
Simultaneous beneficiation and treatment of oil shale
Simultaneous crushing and retorting of oil shale with fluid jets
Size separation of oil shale particles for efficient retorting
Solar heated oil shale pyrolysis process
Solar retorting of oil shale
Solid hydrocarbon liquefaction with a catalyst having chromium a
Solid liquid extraction
Solvent extraction method
Solvent extraction method
Solvent extraction method
Solvent extraction of oil from tar sands utilizing a chlorinated
Solvent extraction of oil from tar sands utilizing a trichloroet
Solvent extraction of oil shale or tar sands
Solvent extraction of tar sand
Solvent extraction process
Solvent extraction process
Solvent extraction process for tar sands
Solvent refining of coal using octahydrophenanthrene-enriched so