UHP-Y-containing reforming catalysts and processes
Ultra large pore cracking catalyst and process for catalytic cra
Ultra-short contact time fluidized catalytic cracking process
Ultrapyrolytic heavy oil upgrading in an internally circulating
Ultrastable hexagonal, cubic and wormhole aluminosilicate...
Ultrastable Y containing framework gallium
Unclouded metals passivation additive
Underflow cyclones and FCC process
Unsupported catalysts in the production of olefins
Upflow packed bed catalytic reactor with periodic bed expansion
Upgradation of undesirable olefinic liquid hydrocarbon streams
Upgrade of visbroken residua products by ultrafiltration
Upgrading carbo-metallic oils with used catalyst
Upgrading crude oil emulsions
Upgrading crude oil using electrochemically-generated hydrogen
Upgrading fischer-Tropsch and petroleum-derived naphthas and...
Upgrading gasoline derived from synthesis gas
Upgrading heavy crude oils to lighter products with a dispersed
Upgrading heavy hydrocarbons with supercritical water and light
Upgrading heavy oils by non-catalytic treatment with hydrogen an