Feeding device for electrical shaft furnaces with an...
Flotation device
Flotation device
Flow field in the inlet plenum of a fluidized bed
Fluidized bed apparatus
Fluidized bed apparatus and method using same
Fluidized bed type preliminary reducing furnace for oxide raw ma
Forced cooling panel for lining a metallurgical furnace
Foundry plant with rotary furnaces and process of operation
Fumeless cupolas
Furnace body structural member for metallurgical shaft furnace
Furnace bottom construction with seal
Furnace charging throat construction
Furnace for the direct reduction of iron oxides
Furnace installation particularly for the melting of ore concent
Furnace sidewall structure of rotary hearth furnace
Furnace system for smelting ore concentrate and the like
Furnace-wall cooling block
Gas distributing closure plug for metallurgical reactor
Gas seal and silencer for use on tuyere body