Al--Mg based alloy sheets with good press formability
Al-base alloy hollow bodies under pressure
Al-Cu alloy with high toughness
Al-Cu-Li-Mg-Ag-Mn-Zr alloy for use as structural members...
Al-Cu-Mg alloy with high creep resistance
Al-Cu-Mg sheet metals with low levels of residual stress
Al-Cu-Mg sheet metals with low levels of residual stress
Al-Mg alloy products suitable for welded construction
Al-Mg based alloy sheets with good press formability
Al-Mg-Si extrusion alloy
Al-Si alloys and method of casting
Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy with improved damage tolerance-strength...
Al/Cu/Mg/Ag alloy with Si, semi-finished product made from...
AlCuMg alloys with high damage tolerance suitable for use as...
Alloy and cast alloy components
Alloy and method for producing magnetic refrigeration...
Alloy and process for galvanizing steel
Alloy and process for manufacturing rolled strip from an aluminu
Alloy and process for manufacturing rolled strip from an aluminu
Alloy based on titanium aluminides