Samarium-cobalt magnet with grain growth inhibited SmCo.sub.5 cr
Samarium-transition metal magnet formation
Scanning induction hardening process by using radially moving in
Seam welded steel pipe proofed against corrosion and provided wi
SECo.sub.5 -Permanent magnet joined to at least one iron mass an
Secondary recrystallized oriented low-alloy iron
Selective magnetization of manganese-aluminum alloys
Selective magnetization of rare-earth transition metal alloys
Semi-hard magnetic material for a reed switch and process for pr
Semi-process non-oriented electromagnetic steel strip having low
Separating-agent composition and method using same
Sheet magnet having microcrystalline structure and method of...
Silicon steel and processing therefore
Silicon steel and processing therefore
Silicon steel and processing therefore
Silicon steel and processing therefore
Silicon steel sheet and method thereof
Silicon steel sheet and method thereof
Silicon steel strip having mechanically refined magnetic domain
Silicon steel suitable for production of oriented silicon steel