Device for filling shooting heads
Device for filtering and treating molten metal
Device for fixing and cooling a graphite block of a graphite wal
Device for forming holes in a foundry sand mold
Device for guiding a cast bar from the output of a casting wheel
Device for guiding a cast bar from the output of a casting wheel
Device for handling continuously vertically cast rectangular str
Device for hardening foundry cores and use thereof
Device for horizontal continuous casting of metals and alloys
Device for hydraulically adjusting the rollers of strand...
Device for identifying the solid-liquid interface of a melt
Device for in-line treatment of rolled metal products
Device for introducing and exchanging a casting tube
Device for keeping warm slabs emerging from a continuous...
Device for lateral containment of liquid steel between...
Device for locking core boxes on supporting plates of molding sa
Device for making single-crystal products
Device for manufacturing a polygonal or sectional shape in a con
Device for manufacturing an electrode plate assembly for lead ac
Device for manufacturing metal strip