Apparatus and method for producing shell-like molds
Apparatus and method for producing single crystal metallic...
Apparatus and method for reducing operating stress in a...
Apparatus and method for reducing operating stress in a...
Apparatus and method for reducing operating stress in a...
Apparatus and method for removing investment material from an in
Apparatus and method for sand core debonding and heat...
Apparatus and method for semi-solid material production
Apparatus and method for semi-solid material production
Apparatus and method for sequentially feeding quantities of sand
Apparatus and method for sidewall containment of molten metal wi
Apparatus and method for sidewall containment of molten metal wi
Apparatus and method for simultaneous usage of multiple die...
Apparatus and method for simultaneous usage of multiple die...
Apparatus and method for simultaneous usage of multiple die...
Apparatus and method for spill chilling rapidly solidified mater
Apparatus and method for squeeze casting
Apparatus and method for the connection of a new cast strip in a
Apparatus and method for the continuous casting of metal
Apparatus and method for the continuous or semi-continuous...