Actuator device for axially moving rolling mill rolls
Actuator device for axially shifting rolling mill
Adaptive strip wedge control for reversing mill
Additional profile control for cluster mills
Adjustable monitoring guide
Adjustable side guide with quick change strip heater assembly
Adjustable single/double shaft driven metal press mill
Adjustable width rolls for rolling mill
Adjusting device for rolling mill rolls
Adjusting device for the brush roll in a roll stand
Adjusting device for the rolls of a calendar
Adjusting mechanism for a universal stand
Adjusting roll in rolling frames, among others vertical...
Adjustment mechanism for edge roller
Alligator defect elimination
Aluminum pipe production method
Apparatus and method for bending and forming sheet material
Apparatus and method for bending/cutting a workpiece
Apparatus and method for cold rolling of metal strip
Apparatus and method for cooling the work rolls of a roll stand