Cross rolling machine
Cross-rolling mill
Crown adjustment systems on cluster mills
Crown control for rolling mill
Deflection dampening apparatus for a roll used to process...
Demountable rolling stand
Device and method for rapid roll changes in a six-high roll stan
Device and method for shifting work roll of cluster mill
Device and method to bend the rolls in a rolling stand
Device for automatic adjustment of roll gap in mill stand
Device for automatically positioning a roll stand with grooved r
Device for axial displacement of rolls in a rolling stand
Device for changing the rolls and/or the intermediate rolls in a
Device for controlling the rotation of the working rollers in a
Device for controlling the thickness of strip stock being rolled
Device for holding at least one roller of a rolling machine
Device for moving and axially adjusting horizontal rolls of a se
Device for opening the roll nip in an apparatus comprising a pai
Device for positioning and locking a chock on a roll pin during
Device for raising and withdrawing a back-up roll bearing unit