Apparatus for producing a pipe from metal strip
Apparatus for producing helically corrugated metal pipe and...
Apparatus for severing corrugated metal products
Band making apparatus
Canasta for forming tubes of different diameters
Canasta for forming tubes of different diameters
Conduit making machine with diameter control and method
Continuously balanced apparatus for storing and dispensing elong
Device for spiral winding of tapes
Flexible pipe end crimping apparatus
Flexible piping method and apparatus of producing same
Helically-formed pipe winding machine
Hydraulically efficient ribbed pipe and method of making thereof
Machine for forming curved conduits
Machine for forming tubes from a strip
Machine for making corrugated flexible cylindrical duct
Machine for manufacturing helically-seaming tubing
Machine for the manufacture of helically wound metal duct or pip
Mandrel assembly for manufacturing tubular products
Method and apparatus for cutting and notching a hollow pipe