Hand-held power tool with a torque cut-off device
Hand-held torque measuring device
Hand-held torque measuring device
Hand-operated ratchet spanner for tightening screws
Handheld torque and linear force meter
Handle tool with high sensitive electronic strain measurement
Handset torque measurement device and method
Heavy duty dynamic high-torque-measurement coupling unit
High-speed rotation testing apparatus
Highly reliable torque sensor
Highly reliable torque sensor
Hub unit with sensor
Hydraulic dynamometer
Hydraulic impulse screwdriver particularly for tightening screw
Impulse energy tubing and casing make-up method and apparatus
In situ method of determining the thrust on valve components
In-bearing torque sensor assembly
In-line rotating capacitive torque sensor
In-line rotating torque sensor with on-board amplifier
Indicating instrument and initializing device