Borehole stress property measuring system
Borehole survey apparatus utilizing accelerometers and probe joi
Borehole tester apparatus and methods using dual flow lines
Borehole testing system
Borehole tilt meter
Borehole tool, procedures, and interpretation for making permeab
Borehole tracer injection and detection method
Borehole ultrasonic flow meter
Buffer arrangement with back flushing of a quartz pressure trans
Bundle carrier
Bundle type downhole gauge carrier
Carrier system for positioning sensors adjacent a wire rope
Casing assembly probes
Cavity stability prediction method for wellbores
Cell for testing the sealing quality of an oil-well safety-valve
Cementing system including real time display
Characterization of organic contaminants and assessment of remed
Characterization of organic contaminants and assessment of...
Characterizing a reservoir in connection with drilling...
Chemical sensor for wellbore applications