Cross arm mechanism in a pushbutton tuner
Cross arm mechanism in pushbutton tuner
Cross arm structure for use in a pushbutton tuner
Cross-arm mechanism in a pushbutton tuner
Cross-arm mechanism in a pushbutton tuner
Detent UHF tuner with memory type independent fine tuning
Detent UHF tuner with preset memory
Device for disabling the control of disengagement for the tuning
Dial operating device
Dual band pushbutton tuner
Feed mechanism for a machine tool
Flip-down pushbutton end caps for a radio tuner
Force directed keyslide cam
Frequency selector comprising a freewheel coupling
Gear changer
Guide and key assembly for a pushbutton radio receiver
Guide shaft in a pushbutton tuner
Interlocking apparatus
Keyboard for presetting the tuning of a radio receiving apparatu
Keyboard for the preselection of electromagnetic signals