Immobilized reagents for scavenging nitrosating agents
In place gas cleaning of diffusion elements
In-line, in-pool water purification system
In-situ formation of soluble silicates from biogenetic silica in
In-situ vapor stripping for removing volatile organic compounds
In-situ vapor stripping for removing volatile organic compounds
Industrial lagoon treatment
Industrial waste water treatment process
Inhibition of algae in swimming pools
Injection quill for water treatment
Inlet screen
Installation for producing ozonized water
Instant, chemical-free dechlorination of water supplies
Iodine disinfection dispenser
Iodine disinfection method using a gaseous iodine treated porous
Iodine dispenser and method of dispensing iodine
Iridium material for hydrothermal oxidation environments
Iron catalysis in oxidation by ozone
Iron-catalysed oxidation of manganese and other inorganic...