Poppet valve assemblies
Poppet valve lash cap assembly
Poppet valve operating system for internal combustion engine
Poppet valve spring retainer
Poppet valve spring retainer with integral hydraulic tappet
Poppet valve spring retainer with integral mechanical adjustable
Poppet valve spring retainer with integral mechanical adjustable
Poppet valve stroke adjusting device for, and combination with,
Position controller for a rotatable shaft
Position sensor of a valve actuator for an internal...
Positive-guidance apparatus for conversion of a rotary...
Potential-magnetic energy driven valve mechanism
Powdered metal camshaft assembly
Power supply method for electrical equipment
Powertrain component with adherent amorphous or nanocrystalline
Powertrain component with adherent film having a graded composit
Powertrain component with amorphous hydrogenated carbon film
Pre-timed distribution unit, in particular for internal combusti
Preloaded axle stake for roller follower
Pressure distribution device for valve cover