Oil supply structure for continuous variable valve timing...
Oil supply structure in variable valve timing mechanism
Oil supply system for a valve operating mechanism in internal co
Oil supply system for valves in an internal combustion engine
Oil supply system in internal conbustion engine
Oil-passage structure of internal combustion engine
Oil-through type push rod
Oiltight hydraulic tappet for controlling an internal combustion
Oiltight hydraulic tappet for controlling an internal combustion
Oiltight hydraulic tappet for controlling an internal combustion
Oleodynamic distribution system, with separate control of the su
Oleodynamic valve, particularly for a hydraulic tappet
One-piece engine block
One-piece push rod having enlarged spherical seat
One-piece rocker arm with insert
Operating an air-hybrid vehicle with camshaft-driven engine...
Operating arrangement for a gas change valve of an internal engi
Operating arrangement for internal combustion engine poppet valv
Operating element for operating the valves of an internal combus
Operating lever for a valve train of an internal combustion engi