Safety interlock for a device
Safety stopping device for marine engines
Secondary air guide ring for ignition plug
Selective threshold ignition circuit
Self generating ignition system
Semiconductor controlled ignition systems for internal combustio
Semiconductor ignition system
Semiconductor ignition system for internal combustion engines
Separately ignited internal combustion engine with at least one
Sheated-element grow plug having a substantially shortened...
Sheathed-element glow plug having an elastically mounted...
Shield and spring interface to a spark plug from a pencil coil
Signal generator for use in a breakerless ignition system for an
Signal source for use in a breakerless ignition system for an in
Signal source for use in a breakerless ignition system for an in
Simplified automatic advance ignition system for an internal com
Single core condenser discharge ignition system
Small engine ignition system with spark advance
Solid state ignition circuitry
Solid state ignition system