Spark ignition systems for internal combustion engines
Spark plug connector and ignition coil module for engine ignitio
Speed sensitive fuel control system
Speed sensitive pressure regulator system
Spring loaded lever to operate control rack of fuel injector
Stackaruk engine
Start-to-run circuit for an electronic ignition system
Starting aid for a combustion engine
Starting aids for internal combustion engines
Starting aids for internal combustion engines
Starting aids for internal combustion engines
Stressing mechanism for a piezoelectric ignition system
Suction line formation of combustion engines
Supercharged diesel engine fuel injection pump governor assembly
Supply voltage variation compensated ignition system for an inte
Sustained arc ignition system
System employing a magnetosensitive element for producing an ele
System for advancing the ignition time in ignition systems havin
System for controlling the temperature of a hot spot or a glow p
Temperature compensated fuel injection pump