Magnet injector for fuel reservoir injection systems
Manifold for a system for supplying fuel to an internal-combusti
Manifold for conveying a high-pressure fuel
Manifold referenced returnless fuel system
Manually adjustable override for fuel injection regulators
Marine fuel tank pump
Marine propulsion device with spark timing and fuel supply contr
Marine propulsion device with spark timing and fuel supply contr
Mass air flow engine control system with mass air event integrat
Mass flow determination
Mass flow fuel injection control system
Matrix injector driver circuit
Matrix injector driver circuit
Matrix injector driver circuit
Matrix injector driver circuit
Means and method for measuring and controlling smoke from an int
Means for improving the efficiency of an internal combustion eng
Means for mounting a fuel injector on a fuel rail
Measuring check motion through pressure sensing
Measuring-signaling apparatus for a multi-fuel system of an engi