Rapid shut-off system for a truck engine
Rapid shut-off system for truck engine
Rechargeable fuel injection kit
Reciprocating engine for a motor vehicle
Reciprocating engine with two cylinder banks arranged in a V-sha
Reciprocating internal combustion engine and support assembly
Reciprocating internal-combustion engine
Reciprocating piston engine
Reduced load working cycle for a four-stroke combustion engine a
Reducing acoustic noise of an engine having...
Refrigeration system with low-fuel shutdown
Remote controlled intermittent user activated anti-corrosion fog
Retaining device for fuel pump push rod
Reverse rotation preventing mechanism for diesel engine
Rewind cover guard
Rotary pump assemblies
RPM activated, powered limiter for pressure time vehicle engine
Run-on prevention device for internal combustion engines
Runaway engine shutdown using compression inhibiting mechanism