Electrical safety system
Enhanced steam dump (bypass) control system
Enhanced steam dump (bypass) control system
Enhanced transient overpower protection system
Expert system for online surveillance of nuclear reactor coolant
Expert system for surveillance and diagnosis of breach fuel elem
Expert system for surveillance, diagnosis and prognosis of plant
Fault tolerant signal validation for feedwater control system
Fault-tolerant analog output network
Fission product barrier emergency event classification and respo
Full range nuclear power plant steam generator level control sys
Hydraulic control unit transponder card
Indicator system for advanced nuclear plant control complex
Logic safety system
Machine implemented system for determining compliance of a compl
Method and an apparatus for monitoring the period of a nuclear r
Method and apparatus for continuous on-line synthesis of power d
Method and apparatus for controlling a nuclear reactor
Method and apparatus for monitoring the control rods of a nuclea
Method and apparatus for on-line monitoring of the operation of