Method of inspecting repaired stub tubes in boiling water nuclea
Method of testing fuel element tubes for defects
Method of ultrasonic inspection of materials through opaque barr
Mitigation of steam generator tube rupture in a pressurized wate
Monitoring arrangement for vented nuclear fuel elements
Monitoring system for monitoring state of nuclear reactor core
Monitoring the contents of a container by ultrasonic means
Multiple-sheathed sodium leakage detection apparatus
Neural net controlled tag gas sampling system for nuclear reacto
Nuclear fuel rod end plug weld inspection
Nuclear fuel rod helium leak inspection apparatus and method
Nuclear reactor with internal thimble-type delayed neutron detec
On line sipping air delivery system
On-line analysis of fuel integrity
Pressure-sensitive variable-resistance hygroscopic fluid detecto
Procedure and device for measuring resistance to hydriding...
Process and apparatus for acoustic and ultrasonic detection of d
Process and device for detecting defective cladding sheaths in a
Process and device for detecting leaking nuclear fuel elements i
Process and device for detecting unsealed fuel pencils in a fuel