Device permitting reduction of thermosiphon effects in fast neut
Disassembleable and reassembleable sealing device for pipelines,
Duct closure
End closure member for a container
End closures for containers
Extrusion-resistant seal assembly
Fast neutron nuclear reactor comprising a suspended sealing slab
Fast neutron nuclear reactor equipped with a central handling ce
Floating pool seal assembly with leak limiting annular...
Flow blocker for access opening
Fluid moderator control system fuel assembly seal connector
Foldable nozzle dam having a foldable extrusion-resistant seal o
Forming a seal between planar sealing surfaces
Fuel transfer tube quick operating remote closure device
Hatch assembly
High pressure seal fitting with built-in low pressure seal arran
High pressure thimble/guide tube seal fitting with built-in low
Instrumentation port clamps
Instrumentation port clamps and clamping systems
Integral reactor cavity seal/shield