Device for securing a reactor vessel washer to a reactor vessel
Device for storage of hazardous material
Device for storing heat generating material and a vessel for...
Device for the disengagement of a nuclear reactor fuel element f
Device for the fitting of a blocking sleeve of a guide tube in a
Device for the sealed opening and closing of a passage interconn
Device for the underwater machining of a spacer-grid of a fuel a
Device for transferring a poison rod assembly from one fuel asse
Differential pressure pin discharge apparatus
Dimensionally stable and corrosion-resistant fuel channels and r
Dispersion fuel with spherical uranium alloy, and the fuel fabri
Disposal of radiation waste in glacial ice
Docking arrangement for connecting a transport and storage conta
Double container system for transporting and storing radioactive
Downcommer coupling apparatus and methods
Drive tool for upper end fitting locking arrangement
Drive unit for inspecting nuclear fuel rods
Dry radioactive substance storage facility
Dry storage arrangement for spent nuclear fuel containers
Dry storage arrangements for nuclear fuel