Absorbing rod, an apparatus for inserting the absorbing rod,...
Additional grid for a nuclear reactor fuel assembly, and assembl
Advanced boiling water reactor fuel assembly design
Agent for trapping the radioactivity of fission products which a
Alloy coated fuel cladding
Alloy for improved hydriding resistance and corrosion resistance
Anchor assembly for fuel bundle
Annular burnable absorber rod
Anodic vacuum arc deposition
Anti-bow grid for nuclear fuel assembly
Anti-fly-off device
Anti-fretting wear spacer grid with canoe-shaped spring
Apparatus and a method for assembling a spacer grid of a...
Apparatus and method for preventing the rotation of rods used in
Apparatus and methods for fabricating spacers for a nuclear fuel
Apparatus for securing structural tubes in nuclear reactor fuel
Apparatus for use in liquid alkali environment
Arrangement for retaining a fuel rod in a reconstitutable fuel a
Assembly for a core of a nuclear reactor
Assembly method and grid for nuclear fuel assembly